n.b. I am posting this Tuesday afternoon. I wrote the below last Friday evening. I will post it as it is how I felt at the time and it should be read with humour in mind, not cynicism. I had a good night Saturday night and a great time the whole weekend. Just didn't realise how much I use the creature comforts each and every day.
This weekend has been a lesson in routine. We were over visiting Legs Granny 'Granny' in Norfolk and the drive over takes 3.5 hours. This means that no matter how we cut it, Alfie was going to be awake for a fair amount of the journey. Luckily, Alfie is a blessed child and slept for 2 hours. We stopped for a coffee and let him stretch his legs. The final hour, however, was a challenge only overcome by some serious singing on our part and even then, the last 10 minutes were just too much for the little fella so it was with great relief that we all landed safe and sound without that much delay.
Now. 'Granny' has a routine of her own. Dinner in her house is served around 5:30 and done and dusted well before 7 when the soaps start. You can imagine that this would clash beautifully with Alfies bedtime routine. As it turned out, it was all fine and we all ate together which was actually nice. Kind of bizarre for legs and me though as we are used to eating at about 8! Of course, with such an early dinner, an early breakfast follows so that was done, through and complete about 7:30 and the day was upon us.
I suppose the biggest sufferers of the routine shifts were me and legs. It is amazing how much one relies on lifes luxuries and how little one notices until they are not there. This weekend, I have had no internet so no facebook, twitter, blog, website, poker, scrabble, chess etc etc... We have had no sky TV and no DVD player. 'Granny' has her tele with her 4.5 channels and that is all she needs. In a moment of pure genius, I did bring my computer on the pretense of showing Granny some photos of the boy and this has had the (purely unintentional) side-effect of me having several films to watch should I get desperate. Tonight (Friday) I am watching 'In Bruges' (not bad).
Suffering isn't really fair. It is just that while away from home I cannot get on with the garden, housework or DIY and without the above mentioned luxuries I can't do much else either. The tele is watchable for only so long. The talk is good though and later we will no doubt get the cards out for a game of Australian rummy. Not being a baby and not being a pensioner does have this one big drawback though. My daily routine is all the way up the kyber right now but I am not a baby so I cannot cry about it and I am not a pensioner so I cannot moan either, except I just did. God bless the blog! :)
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