Finding time to do all the things I need and/or want to do is becoming a real challenge. Don't think for a second that this is a 'woe is me' blog post though as I am loving it. I run on plans and each and every evening is almost always full of things I should be doing. I normally manage most but this evening is a different matter. Legs is out with her friends tonight so I have a poker tournament about to start.
A small side note about poker. I busted my bankroll a week or so back and I am back to playing the free stuff. The nice thing is that the free stuff does, eventually, let you win some real money if you are good enough. There are tournaments out there that let you win what are known as 'tournament dollars' and these can be used to enter the real money tournaments. So this is what I am now concentrating on. That said, now the real money has gone the draw to play is less. Still enjoy a game when I have time though, of course.
This weekend I will be wall mounting my TV and routing cable through trunking. The boy is very VERY mobile and the sooner the house allows for it the better.
Looks like there is actually going to be a fair few people at Alfie's first birthday party having been organised as a family only quiet thing. I suppose that comes when your immediate family numbers more than 20....
Must find time to mow the lawns again....