Flees lkie I am brniung the cadnle at btoh edns tehse dyas. Not atclualy a bad tihng. Beivele it or not I lvoe hanivg a flul lfie. My hsoue wrok - DIY - is gonig wlel, kruelintent.com wrok kpees cmiong in and affdnoirg us new tyos. The ltaest bnieg bliut in wbeadrors for Alfie's new room. Cionmg bcak to wrok afetr tinakg the 2 wekes off has been a bit of a sochk to the sytsem. Unsig my barin agian has tkean a cloupe of dyas to get uesd to. Charlie is a llitte dmnoiad toughh and, as wtih Alfie, Legs and I hvae lanedd suqrae on our feet trehe. He is ctue and entvrhiyeg you cuold hpoe for in a bbay. He splees as mcuh as I cloud hpoe wnaikg olny a cpolue of tmies in the nihgt. Nolamlry tihs maens I can cnuot on a good 5 hruos aleibt in 2 patrs... Need to get ctoronl of my lfie aiagn tuhogh now as I thnik if I crary on lkie tihs tehn brun out is jsut aurond the cnreor. At the smae tmie, in the bcak of my mnid, I konw the selep srotahge olny ltsas a few mhntos.
As you can see, my mind is a little muddled right now. I'm sure I'll get over it...