Sunday, 1 February 2009

Beginning a new blog

A new day has dawned on The main difference is that I am no longer blogging here. Oh, you can still read my blog here but I am not blogging here. I am taking advantage of the future (finally). If you are reading this on then you are in fact just reading a feed from my actual blog. The fact is that I have too many social things to keep up to date and although it was cool to have my own blog engine, it is better to just have my own website that shows the blog and let the blogging engine do the cool stuff like posting updates to twitter etc. The nice thing about it being a blogspot blog now is that I can email in my posts. This is old news to the likes of Ash but new to me and I find it very cool indeed that I can send an email and it will update my blog nicely and update my twitter. Blogging will never be the same again!

I can do all sorts too, posting images and embedding videos the same way as before but now it is all done remotely. It is a pleasure to bring you the new The rounded corner layout has been tested against IE7, Firefox and Chrome. There is javascript in place too so it even looks acceptable in shitty IE6! It is all done using css so there is no AJAX on there to confuse non Microsoft browsers.

The nice thing about being able to email posts in is that I can create an email over the course of a fair amount of time so each post will be a good read rather than just a sentance. At least, that is what I am saying now but then I am writing this on a nice calm Sunday morning...

Anyway, intorductions to the blog over. I watched 'The break up' last night which was a god awful film but it did have Jennifer Aniston in it and she is a babe so here is a picture.