Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Now I just have to code out the other stuff like reservations/confirmations/email templates/small print/disclaimers/etc and then I can look to roll this baby out...
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Monday, 23 November 2009
Friday, 20 November 2009
Drying paint
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Chained payments in paypal.
Some links:
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Best online poker result to date
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
IT vs. Management
further and shouted to the man "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet her an hour ago, but I
don't know where I am"
The man below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between
40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."
"You must be in IT," said the balloonist.
"Actually I am," replied the man, "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct but I've no idea what to make
of your information and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've
delayed my trip."
The man below responded, "You must be in Management."
"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"
"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are due to a
large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you
to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now,
somehow, it's my bloody fault..."
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Forcing my hand...
shame is that the charities in question (especially the one today) are worthy causes. I just don't think this is the right way to get money off people. A charitable donation is one that you consiously take part in. It is not something slyly chucked on the end of bill like a service charge.
They are struggling to get donations. I understand that, but you will never get a penny out of me by forcing my hand.
Friday, 25 September 2009
I wish I was this smart
In other news. I am working on a website that hooks google maps, paypal and AJAX together to hopefully earn me money and save my users some. I shall say no more for now. I have bought the URL and I will make it public knowledge in the coming weeks and months when it goes into testing (via you guys hopefully) and then live.... be continued.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Chosen Hill
Friday, 4 September 2009
New monitor and memory
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Friday, 21 August 2009
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Schrödinger's cat ++
"Basically, if you have a cat in a closed box, and poisonous gas is released. The cat is either dead, 0, or alive, 1. Until I open the box to find out, it exists in both states—a superposition. That superposition is destroyed when I measure it. But suppose I have two cats in two boxes that are correlated, and you go through the same thing. If I open one box and the cat's alive, it means the other cat is too, even if I never open the box. It's a quantum phenomenon that's a stronger correlation than you can get in classical physics, and because of that you can do something like this with quantum algorithms—change one part of the system, and the rest of it will respond accordingly, without changing the rest of the operation. That's part of the reason it's faster at certain kinds of calculations."
Full article - here
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
UK freeroll bad beat story #1
I have 24K left.
Blinds are 1000/2000 with a 250 anti. I am the button.
Dealt 7D 9D. I decide to call as I am in position.
4 players to the flop. 10K in the middle.
FLOP 3 5 6 rainbow (Can't remember the suits but they were all different)
CHECK, CHECK, 6K Raise to me.
This, to me, appears to be a stealing move given the low board and having an open ended straight draw and 2 over cards.... I call. The remaining 2 players fold.
CHECK to me.
Now I have 2 possible cards for a straight (4 or 8) + top pair. I sense he has checked as the steal on the flop didn't hit home.... I shove my remaining 16K at it.
Now the sickness. He calls and shows 8 J off suit. What this, in essence, means is that he has called my ALL-IN shove with a draw and 2 over cards.
Of course he spikes a Jack on the river and I go sailing out of the tourney. Of course, legs simply says 'why didn't you fold to the money?' (27 got paid)
Another day, top pair would have held. Another day again, he wouldn't have called with nothing. This day though, he did, and it didn't. Booooo.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
The smell....
This courgette had obviously been picked from our nice veg patch and left in storage for later eating. You can see on the left how it was and indeed, where it was going...
Hungry? Anyone?

Monday, 10 August 2009
Good Weekend
Sunday I cycled!!! 53 miles at a fair lick and back in time for lunch. Really enjoyed getting out on the bike properly, hopefully it wont be a flash in the pan. Next ride is lined up for the 23rd. Once home, I took Alfie to see the birds down at Slimbridge while Soph got to attack the weeds in the garden. An enjoyable couple of hours for all of us!! 2 glasses of white over Top Gear was all it took to send me off. Asleep well before 10. *glee*
Here is a good video of Alfie walking taken the weekend before his first birthday.
Alfie Walking
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Buy With Confidence.
Once the paperwork at that end is done I get the logos to splatter over my site and official paperwork and everybody should get more confidence that I am a legit business.
Bottom line is that I went to the site and looked for web design within 25 miles of my house and it came back with 0 results so if that can be me then that is just fine!
Monday, 27 July 2009
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Too many pies, not enough fingers
A small side note about poker. I busted my bankroll a week or so back and I am back to playing the free stuff. The nice thing is that the free stuff does, eventually, let you win some real money if you are good enough. There are tournaments out there that let you win what are known as 'tournament dollars' and these can be used to enter the real money tournaments. So this is what I am now concentrating on. That said, now the real money has gone the draw to play is less. Still enjoy a game when I have time though, of course.
This weekend I will be wall mounting my TV and routing cable through trunking. The boy is very VERY mobile and the sooner the house allows for it the better.
Looks like there is actually going to be a fair few people at Alfie's first birthday party having been organised as a family only quiet thing. I suppose that comes when your immediate family numbers more than 20....
Must find time to mow the lawns again....
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Friday, 17 July 2009
Zero hour
On top of that, the new insulation layer got installed in our loft yesterday meaning we now have a 270mm duvet over our heads to keep the heat in over the coming winter. It should mean we don't need the heating on as much but I guess only time will tell on that front. Certainly, the leccy bill last week was enough to provoke the zero hour on it's own. Everything else is a bonus.
Went camping with Alfie for the first time last weekend. Here is a photo. I think he enjoyed himself. Today, on the other hand, I HOPE he enjoys himself. Legs is back to work and so he is in nursery all day. Fingers crossed.

Thursday, 16 July 2009
work work work
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Google Chrome OS
BBC News Entry - News post
Google Blog - Google blog
mmmmm. Netbook with Chrome OS = on the web in seconds. Me likie! :)
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Tuesday, 7 July 2009
I notice another friend has joined Twitter in the last couple of days too so perhaps I am not alone in this thinking...
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Thursday, 2 July 2009
I use your wireless
hacking the wireless password
Interesting.... Especially if the chump next door is stumping up for mega bandwidth...
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
This weekend has been a lesson in routine. We were over visiting Legs Granny 'Granny' in Norfolk and the drive over takes 3.5 hours. This means that no matter how we cut it, Alfie was going to be awake for a fair amount of the journey. Luckily, Alfie is a blessed child and slept for 2 hours. We stopped for a coffee and let him stretch his legs. The final hour, however, was a challenge only overcome by some serious singing on our part and even then, the last 10 minutes were just too much for the little fella so it was with great relief that we all landed safe and sound without that much delay.
Now. 'Granny' has a routine of her own. Dinner in her house is served around 5:30 and done and dusted well before 7 when the soaps start. You can imagine that this would clash beautifully with Alfies bedtime routine. As it turned out, it was all fine and we all ate together which was actually nice. Kind of bizarre for legs and me though as we are used to eating at about 8! Of course, with such an early dinner, an early breakfast follows so that was done, through and complete about 7:30 and the day was upon us.
I suppose the biggest sufferers of the routine shifts were me and legs. It is amazing how much one relies on lifes luxuries and how little one notices until they are not there. This weekend, I have had no internet so no facebook, twitter, blog, website, poker, scrabble, chess etc etc... We have had no sky TV and no DVD player. 'Granny' has her tele with her 4.5 channels and that is all she needs. In a moment of pure genius, I did bring my computer on the pretense of showing Granny some photos of the boy and this has had the (purely unintentional) side-effect of me having several films to watch should I get desperate. Tonight (Friday) I am watching 'In Bruges' (not bad).
Suffering isn't really fair. It is just that while away from home I cannot get on with the garden, housework or DIY and without the above mentioned luxuries I can't do much else either. The tele is watchable for only so long. The talk is good though and later we will no doubt get the cards out for a game of Australian rummy. Not being a baby and not being a pensioner does have this one big drawback though. My daily routine is all the way up the kyber right now but I am not a baby so I cannot cry about it and I am not a pensioner so I cannot moan either, except I just did. God bless the blog! :)
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Thursday, 18 June 2009
Flickr Images
I may look into speeding up the streaming image thing as it does work nicely.... just very slowly....
To be continued...
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Wednesday, 17 June 2009
BBC Links
"Antony Walker, chief executive of the Broadband Stakeholders' Group, believes the tax will mean that 90% of the UK will be able to benefit from broadband of up to 50Mbps by 2017."
BBC Article
"Ever wondered why you have had to travel the length of the country on a wet Tuesday night to watch your team in action?
Or you haven't played at home on Boxing Day for the last three years?
Like me, you've probably just blamed the fixture computer, that mythical piece of technology that determines where you will be and when throughout the football season."
BBC Blog
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Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Chess - Running Deep
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Two photos.
And here is a nice one of the rose in our garden. It has grown up around our apple tree down by the compost heaps and it seems to be loving life. Thought I had best prove that it was lovely in case it is over by the party next weekend....
As always, big versions on my flickr page...
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Friday, 12 June 2009
Cathedral Feast
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Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Tree bench update.
Tonight there will be a lot of measuring and marking and labelling in prep for the drilling, countersinking and screwing over the next couple of evenings. Looking good so far though. :)
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Friday, 5 June 2009
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Quantum Entanglement - awesome!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Making chips on
The technique is simple, get in the payout places a lot in a lot of tournements. Sounds time consuming? Not so much. I think I need about 30-40 minutes to set them all going and then come back 3 hours later for the final tables...
There are three things that make the above possible. One is a rule on FullTiltPoker where you can play in as many tournaments as you like at any one time. The second is a quirk of the small tournament where by people generally shove with any even quarter decent hand in the first couple of plays and the winner of that hand generally quads or quints his stack. The third and final thing about this is that the blind structure is so fast and vicious that once sitting on a decent stack like this you can set your 'sit out next hand' flag and walk away. You are pretty much guarenteed a final seat table and if you can sit for longer, probably a top 4/5 finish. Obviously, if you want to make a few more chips, play the final table and do what you can...
So. Get several, like lots, of tournaments going. Set the 'away' flag as soon as you hit the big win over the first two or three hands and come back later to go for the win!
I will let you know how I get on once I have a chance to put my plan into action!
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Poker. But not as we know it!
A more experienced table of players will know pot odds and the approximate chances of winning in any given situation. As a result, they will be able to knowingly bet or raise appropriate amounts to force the opponents into tough decisions where they may even be able to pressure them into folding a hand.
Last night the 9 or so 'regular' players were joined by 5 extras ranging from other players who fancied a game to complete novices. And it is these people who were the fly in the ointment for the more experienced players last night.
I will give a brief rundown of my last hand in the game prior to busting out in 12th place!!! I am dealt Ace, Kind suited (Diamonds), statistically, the 3rd or 4th best possible starting hand. I raise 3 times the big blind pre flop. Now, at this point, normally, any player with a marginal or rag hand will naturally fold. Unfortunatly, the player to my right (one of the novices) decided to call with his 8S 6C off suit!!! So the flop comes out JH 7D 4D and I have a 'nut flush' draw so, being short stacked following my pre flop raise I push all in to try and either force the fold or boost my winnings should a diamond hit on the turn or river. This raise is a further 4 big blinds (£8). To my shock, he calls and turns those cards!!! Needless to say the luck was with him and the turn was a 5S giving him the straight! The river wasn't a diamond and that was that. A bad beat in a hand that really should have never gone to a showdown anyway.
That story is just one of many that happened last night. It is very telling that the normal people that you will see in the last 4 or 5 players were 4 or 5 of the first people out. The problem is that you simply cannot play poker against a player that doesn't know how to play poker. Told you it would sound like me being a sore loser.... But looking at the above, it doesn't take a genius to fold 8 6 offsuit to a big pre flop raise...
My (our) only soluce is that in the long run, these guys will loose playing as they do but it doesn't ease the frustration of last night. Once all the buy backs were in there was over £500 on offer to the winner and it is a nasty kick in the dick when you are beaten by luck in a hand that you shouldn't have been contesting.
Anyway, as Mr Pool said at the 11Pm break, "That's tournament poker" and, as my lovely, supportive, wife Legs said as I rolled into bed this morning at 1am.... "Suck it up!"
Just bites s'all... NEXT TIME!!!!
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Friday, 29 May 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Stoppit and Tidyup.
Notice how he is almost stepping in time (Schtep In Time!!!)
World Series of Poker
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Automating the facebook login....
Using httpwebrequest and httpwebresponse to pass loging credentials - and an App ID - to the facebook login.php page and get back the redirection string. This includes an auth code in the address parameters and would allow me to create a valid facebook session away from the site.
I have tried very nearly everything in my knowledge and I am no nearer solving the problem.
The problem, I think, is that although I am allowing the redirect in my code it isn't actually getting there.
Normally, on login, it loads the same page and then redirects to the correct page but the response I am getting back is still the login.php page...
I have a feeling there are some cookies involved so I might take a quick trip down that road and report back....
The actual reason for doing this is becoming lost as the ability to do it goes away so once I am in and this is working I hope I find a good reason to go with it....
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Monday, 18 May 2009
Mighty Pompey
Tonights match no longer matters so we will probably loose.
...which is nice.
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Sunday, 17 May 2009
Tough times
The learning continues day by day. This weekend we have had the finger chewing combined with irritability and a huge and sudden drop in appetite. Otherwise known as teething the molars...
Of course, we only know this (hopefully) because it says so in a book but at least it answers the whole 'WHAT ARE WE DOING WRONG!!!?' questions that keep flooding our heads as Alfie only takes 2 spoons of dinner and then throws a benny.
Life. Goes. On.
Just hope his teeth are out soon. I suddenly feel bad about going to work and leaving legs in the minefield. I guess we just take it as it comes... I would certainly say that Alfie is now a 'normal' child
In non-baby news........ erm........ god how boring. The garden is getting on well and we have bitten the bullet with the house insulation. Currently the house is a little like a net curtain in as much as the wind whistles through it without pausing for thought at the walls/windows/doors. As such, I have made it my personal mission to try and exclude all drafts and actually make the house keep some of the heat the 'rads' pump into it. More news on this to follow in the coming weeks.
Got an order for a website from so I have been working on that too.
There are simply not enough 'free' hours in the week. is falling by with no new designs now for a while. I think if I am going to go for it properly there I need to give spreadshirt some money and have a fully fledged proper shop so all I need to do is the designs - then they can go on whatever clothing the customers choose. Much easier but it costs me money to do it that way.... decisions decisions. has become a nightly thing at the mo too in the build up to the big game on Friday. Hopedfully this practice will pay off as there is a big pot out there with my name on it!!
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Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Formula One
bbc article
In my opinion, F1 should be no holds barred top of the tree technology and trying to hog tie it seems absurd...
Just my 2 pennies.
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Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Bike seat
Family politics
- I love all of my family.
- Family politics suck the root.
- We are being (possibly over) protective of our son?
- We have a deep seated reason to not want to see the rest of our family?
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Bank holiday fun
Today, we all went to the forest of dean to watch my workmate Rob cycle in the spring sportif. When we saw him early on he was running in 6th and looking strong! Fair play to him. I desperatly wanted to be there with him but with my fitness at an all time low I think I would have been left for dead!
TFIBHM tomorrow. :-)
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Friday, 1 May 2009
It's a great time for Portsmouth to have this game with Arsenal's minds on pulling back a goal deficit to Manchester United in the Champions League. They could really put the seal on their season and cement their safety.
Arsenal have nothing really left to play for in the league now and Arsene Wenger may be tempted to try out some of his squad players.
Verdict: 2-1
match preview
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Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Lance at the tour.
Video taken on the tour bus on the way to stage 1 of the tour of the gila.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
The Glos and The Gate
The nice thing about rugby is that the players arrive and park outside the ground much like the staff and then they are happy to sign stuff for a while before they go in.
In better news. We finished the gate the other weekend and here is a nice photo of it in situ in our nice sunny garden this morning.
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Tuesday, 21 April 2009
the hub videos
The first video just shows the website working and over the next few I will go into the code behind.
Technical Blog
What has become apparant, as a bonus, is that it means I can access these sites from work where normally they are blocked. Which is nice.
As my lovely wife is having a well earned early night I may well create and upload the second vid tonight.
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Thursday, 16 April 2009
my ill boy
He is so precious!
I read a quote earlier on Joe Stagners twitter by Harold B Lee - "The greatest thing a father can do for his children is love their mother". Right now, they seem like very real words. Legs and Alf are both currently asleep and the longer the better in my opinion. The last 2 days have destroyed them both.
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Monday, 13 April 2009
Easter Update
You can see the full size image as part of the photostream here.
He is starting to develop into a real joy. Still only just 8 months old and we are nearly certain now that he will be walking before he crawls. He has nearly no interest in being on his front and if he is left there for more than a minute he lets you know that he is not impressed!!
In other - non alfie - news, we have decided on the date for our June party. Sunday 21st of June! If you know us then you will almost certainly be getting an email from me over the next few days inviting you and yours along. Hope to see you then. If you work all hours and shifts, now is the time to swap them if you need to. :) (I know it isn't that easy)
The last thing I have been doing, code wise, is getting the twitter interface to work and getting around company firewall bans on flickr. If you look at the properties of the image of alfie you will see what I mean. The twitter interface is a nice hook in using the API but it means I can use it at work (during breaks of course). I think my twitterings are pretty lame at the mo so I am going to give them an Alfie/Techie slant.
Just had a good idea for a t-shirt too so look out for it on grillymonk soon.
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Sunday, 5 April 2009
Joining the forum
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Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
Great Sport
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Friday, 27 March 2009
Great weekend coming up!
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Thursday, 26 March 2009
Quantum of solace + Shiraz. Perfect
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Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Creating traffic.
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Wednesday 25th March 2009
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Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Automation: Acid test.
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Monday, 16 March 2009
Big swing...
I had actually forgotten what a bad mood feels like. Pretty damn dark.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
The big SEO test
This leaves kruelintent. Obviously, This leaves more scope for profit so getting the search terms 'gloucester computer help' or 'gloucester web design' working for me could be much more useful. I have upload the new version of kruelintent yesterday so here is my start point. I am currently nowhere to be found in the top 300 search results for either search term so any gain on that would be good. I will report back in a week and check on the progress!
By all means, check out kruelintent to see what changes I have made to boost the results!
Monday, 9 March 2009
New project - Arr arr arr
I even have a nice webpage telling me how to do it!
Thursday, 5 March 2009

Formula 1
"The BBC's red button interactive TV service will broadcast live coverage of all on-track sessions - Friday and Saturday practice, qualifying and race."
In other news, had Monday and Wednesday off work which has been cool but made for a pretty disjointed week so it really doesn't feel like a Thursday. I also have now had that come back off holiday and work has piled up feeling twice this week.... which sucks.
Player a lot of quakelive over the past few days too and that is proving very cool indeed. The queue is no longer an issue - straight in the last couple of times I played - and lag is pretty much nil. Sweet.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
The software is pretty shoddy but once you have struggled through the setup and found a list of channels you should be able to tune into some random far east channel that shows live footy. They watch it live on Sky - or whatever - and then stream it dorect back to us over the net. Bizarre but true.
So enjoy. Illegal boys and girls!
Monday, 2 March 2009
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Formula 1
Last Friday, while still in a dreamlike state, I went on a quick drive to see Coberley Mill. It is WAAAAAAAY out of my league but its only a 5 minute drive from work so I thought I would go and see what I would buy should the numbers come up on Friday. See it here
Also played QuakeLive online for the first time yesterday. Still in BETA stage at the mo and still very busy so it takes time to get on but once playing it is solid.
Scored 60 the other day in skittles... not bad, not good enough to boost my average....
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Poker. What if.....?
Blinds are £1/£2.
You get dealt a marginal hand e.g. Q,8 suited. You are sat in early position and move to call the big blind.
Questions to ask pre-flop:
Why are you calling?
Will you fold if somebody raises you £4,£5,£6,£7? etc...
How much are the cards in your hand really worth to you?
Chances are, if your hand is worth a call pre-flop it is probably worth a small raise pre-flop (especially in early position IMO) as this will get rid of other marginal hands and may even win the pot without seeing a card. If you think a Q,8 suited is worth £4 in a "I will call this up to £4 or I'm folding" kind of way then surely the better move is to put the £4 raise in yourself rather than calling for £2 and possibly facing off against more people post flop. Also, chances are that somebody else in later position will raise pre-flop if you don't where they may only call your raise. This gives you the appearance of strength whether it exists or not but probably puts you in an advantage mentally post-flop should a king or ace come out...
The same questions and mentality can be taken into account post-flop too. Obviously, you have already invested in the hand and before too many cards come out, you want to work out where you stand. You can now see 5 cards and you can pretty much work out your pot odds of getting a winning hand. Is your hand still marginal? Is your hand still worth anything. Are you still thinking of calling to a certain amount..?
Repeat on turn. Repeat on river. Questioning what you are going to do later in the hand should help you work out how you act now.
Think on.....
Thursday, 19 February 2009
SEO Stuff
So. Time to have some fun, put some work in and try to get grillymonk baby geek t-shirts towards the top of the searches!
I will report back soon....
Stunted by meetings
p.s. Some people wonder why jeans are a good thing....
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Pictures that make me want to kill
Monday, 16 February 2009
Good weekend
Which brings me to why I enjoyed my valentines day so much. Legs is a bit like me. Cynical to the last about over hyped annual guilt fests like valentines day. Soph got me a card which was nice and she got a card in return which she very much liked. We cooked a meal together in the evening and set the table in the dining room. The nice thing was taking 2 hours over dinner and a couple of glasses of wine.
I still can't get over the silly bint on the radio. I hope her husband went out and got mercilessly drunk that night.
Sunday was pretty cool too. Chris, Sarah and the kids came over and we had a Sunday roast followed by a nice constitutional down to Gloucester docks. Good times indeed. In the evening, I watched 'Hitman' which is pretty cool albeit a little predictable. In fact my weekend included several films. On Saturday morning I watched American Pie - Beta house while is essentially (very) soft porn. In the afternoon I started watching 'AdultHood' too so I might finish that some time later this week....
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Keeping my powder dry!
Monday, 9 February 2009
cracking youtube HD
With this in mind I went in search of the answers... there is always more than one. To start with, there is always a high-quality version of the video you upload but to see it you need to be a little deft and add '&fmt=18' to the end of the URL in the address bar. You will notice that this now makes it almost legible at full screen...
But there is always the crystal clear way and this is it. To start with I must record my videos at 1290x720. This is no biggie. I just set camtasia accordingly. The trick comes in the export. The below movie was exported to a MOV file using MPEG4 encoding, automatic bitrate and exported at 1290x720 HD. The resulting movie file is at least 10 times the size of the 2 shows above but I think you will agree that it is blatently worth it as the result are lovely and clear.
The trick to embedding it, by the way, is to add '&ap=%2526fmt%3D22' to the end of the embedded video source URL...
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Friday, 6 February 2009
The mighty hath fallen - 55 scored...
The Snow
Of course, I could have driven to work, it is only a couple of miles away, but with broadband on tap and mobile phones and blackberries in hand there is no need to risk it. Anyway, I would have to find the car first....
p.s. The answer to yesterdays blog is that reading a textfilestream line by line is far far quicker than reading the whole text file into a string and then goiing through that line by line. Who knew...? Either way, I now have my websites interacting with live logs faster than the perl script that it was replacing. Awesome.
Thursday, 5 February 2009 grep?
Current example:
If I have a text file with 3000 lines in it and I want to pick out every line with the word HELP in it I can use a to read the text file into a string, use the split function to break it into an array and the loop through the array looking for the HELP string....
This, as you can imagine, is slow. Not tragic, but slow enough. I am trying to get somewhere near the performance of the PHP Perl page I am replacing which seems unfeasably good at reading text files and grepping them for pattern matches.
Any ideas of how to get some better performance from here?
View my developerfusion forum post here
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Monotony and the old school
Things are looking good for some poker action around my house in a couple of weeks time. Just awaiting final confirmation of numbers from Oxford way and the local invite will go out. Should be awesome.
As for the old-school part of the title. This is referring to the music I find myself listening to today. I have Kruder and Dorfmeister in my ears right now. This morning I was listening to Insane Clown Posse - my mind flies back to a cracking gig night with Ash - and in a minute I will be switching to listen to the Cranberries. All very nice.
Monday, 2 February 2009
so very tired...

In my other stress relief game, poker, I am not doing too bad. I am sitting on 36000 chips which is fair. Sitting 3rd out of my mates, just got to catch Q bar and Dave.
I can't believe it is only Monday. Bad times indeed!
lifehacker birthday post - great links.
Lifehacker is a great blog and it has been going around for years. Here is a link to its birthday post which lists its best posts from it's time on the web. My favourites include How to set up a web server at home and the top 10 geek pranks...
In personal news. Little Alfie is not so well today. He was up most of the night coughing and spluttering which means, of course, so were me and Soph. Now all I need is a nice calm day at work...
Sunday, 1 February 2009
A few last things to do...
There are a couple of last things I need to do before I am happy with the new page - - I need to finish tweaking the blogfeed.aspx page so that the rss feed doesn't get affected to much by all this. I still want to use my own rss as my code behind cuts out the email footers from my work and hotmail email which just makes it better to read. Once that is done I can rest for a while and let the blog settle for a bit, sort out any teething issues etc and then I can embelish the facebook and twitter integration to be a bit more proactive rather than just showing a few links.
In other news from this week. To follow on from the 82 last week I got a 69 in skittles on Friday (Not like that) and so my average continues to go up. As things stand it is 64.28.
Beginning a new blog
I can do all sorts too, posting images and embedding videos the same way as before but now it is all done remotely. It is a pleasure to bring you the new The rounded corner layout has been tested against IE7, Firefox and Chrome. There is javascript in place too so it even looks acceptable in shitty IE6! It is all done using css so there is no AJAX on there to confuse non Microsoft browsers.
The nice thing about being able to email posts in is that I can create an email over the course of a fair amount of time so each post will be a good read rather than just a sentance. At least, that is what I am saying now but then I am writing this on a nice calm Sunday morning...
Anyway, intorductions to the blog over. I watched 'The break up' last night which was a god awful film but it did have Jennifer Aniston in it and she is a babe so here is a picture.