Wednesday 20 May 2009

Automating the facebook login....

It was meant to be so easy.

Using httpwebrequest and httpwebresponse to pass loging credentials - and an App ID - to the facebook login.php page and get back the redirection string. This includes an auth code in the address parameters and would allow me to create a valid facebook session away from the site.

I have tried very nearly everything in my knowledge and I am no nearer solving the problem.

The problem, I think, is that although I am allowing the redirect in my code it isn't actually getting there.

Normally, on login, it loads the same page and then redirects to the correct page but the response I am getting back is still the login.php page...

I have a feeling there are some cookies involved so I might take a quick trip down that road and report back....

The actual reason for doing this is becoming lost as the ability to do it goes away so once I am in and this is working I hope I find a good reason to go with it....